
Cannon Cross

May 23 - Took the day off before Patti's half marathon in Traverse City at Bayshore. I love this route. It was a perfect morning. Dropped off Nick to the babysitters and Marissa at school and immediately set up my bike and gear down the road from her school for the Cannon Cross route. Picture day.

Sweet Curved Road near a pond.

Aww, c'mon!

Apple Blossoms!

Sweet old barn near a Bed & Breakfast in Lowell.

My Reward: Sitting trail-side at Rockford Brewing in the sun with a Belgian Ale and eating a Club hoagie from Vitale's. Chatted with a guy fresh off of Peace Corps in Africa for a few years. He was looking for work and riding bikes. As we were chatting in the sun, eating and drinking with not a care he said "Boy, if unemployment was always like this, I'm not sure why anyone would work." I hear ya brother!


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